Investments articles

Nation’s debt level must be addressed now

Published in the Tulsa World on August 18, 2011.

Is Inflation Back?

It depends on your outlook.

Prosperity with a Purpose

Is there a purpose for your prosperity? In other words, what are you trying to accomplish with your wealth?

The Oil & Gas Industry in Oklahoma

Many do not realize that gasoline accounts for less than one-half of the products made from a barrel of crude in the U.S

Kicking The Can

If there is one thing our Congress is good at, it is their ability to consistently kick the can…

Planning & Caring for Children with Special Needs

Parents of children with disabilities are often faced with the challenge of providing a level of care most families never experience.

What About My Retirement?

When I retire, I plan to travel to exotic places, spoil the grandkids I hope to have someday and spend lots of time on the beach. I know these dreams won’t come true without some wise decisions on my part–many of which have to do with my retirement plan.

Geopolitical Events – Abroad and Here

Crises around the globe have consumed much of our attention as of late.

Tread Carefully in Naming a Trust as an IRA Beneficiary

The Path to Bringing Jobs Back Home

America must address currency manipulation and focus on exports so as to lessen our dependence on personal consumption and housing as sources of economic growth.

The Unknown Certainty of Taxes

As the old saying goes, nothing in life is certain but Death and Taxes.