Quarterly Newsletter articles

The New Tax Law & the Economics of Divorce

Understand the new tax law before untying the knot

Honey, We Forgot The Car!

How to handle cars in estate planning

Trying Not To Be a Dodo

Changing Political Climate Threatens Fiscal Conservative Species

The Great Known Unknown

Two people very close to me passed away recently. My wife’s grandmother and Ed, a family friend. They reminded me of life’s greatest mystery.

ViewPoint – A Message from the Desk of Tom Wilkins

“Why should anyone hire Trust Company of Oklahoma to serve as corporate trustee and invest the assets if a family member can do it for free?” she asked me. Here’s what I responded.

A message from the Desk of Tom Wilkins

It is always a pleasure to recognize the professionals who earned promotions and well deserved professional accreditations. Read more.

The Return of Volatility

It was a challenging year for investors. We wrapped up 2018 with a second 10% correction for the year. What’s driving investor anxiety and how does 2019 look like for the markets?

Spotlight – Alzheimer’s Association

Each quarter, we highlight a local nonprofit organization working to improve our communities. Learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association.

Tariffs And Raisins – Children Pick Up On The Darndest Things

The Trump administration recently imposed steep tariffs on several countries, including China. In retaliation, China imposed tariffs on American products. This isn’t the first time the U.S. grapples with competitive tariffs, though. Learn more about our country’s history of tariff conflicts and the current conflict’s impact on our economy.

July 2018 ViewPoint

A message from the desk of Tom Wilkins.

Investment Perspectives – Tech Talk

Tech companies are disproportionally driving stock market returns and capturing the majority of national headlines. But haven’t we seen this (scary) movie before, during the “Tech Bubble?”

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope Springs Eternal

Climbing The Wall Of Worry

Climbing The Wall Of Worry