Final Edition – Bob’s Market Observations

By Robert A. McCormick


I write this final note with the same question I had when I began this exercise over six years ago: what is an interesting and relevant topic to share with you this month?

In fact, every month the question was the same. Sometimes the answer had something to do with the stock market or investing in general. But quite often, the idea I found myself following was traveling down a different path – such as trains, planes, or cows.

As always, you have been the judge to decide how relevant or interesting the message was. When I was off base, some of you were kind enough to bring the hammer down on me. Thankfully, my editors usually beat you to it. I have left a plethora of paragraphs on the cutting room floor.

The only difference with this last installment is the extra volume of discarded words I have written to try and say goodbye. For your sake, I have decided to wrap up with a single reminder I regularly direct at myself:

Take a slow, deep breath and fully exhale. Such a simple act. And it’s free. Doesn’t it feel good?

Thank you for your support, encouragement and critiques. Your friendship has been a most valuable part of my career, and I will miss you all. I am thankful I landed (nearly 28 years ago) at TCO, where taking care of the client is the fabric of our company’s culture. And, I am thankful for our clients. You have become my friends and, as I have looked out for you, so too have you looked out for me.

What’s Next?

Starting in a few days, my TCO colleagues will take up and expand this blog as I step down. Nick Gallus will kick off the effort in offering you TCO’s insights and commentary on topics from markets to trivia, from financial planning to… well, anything that my colleagues think you might find of interest and relevant. Stay tuned for the first edition of Dispatches from Nick.

Cheers for now,

“The most damaging phrase in the language is ‘We’ve always done it this way’.”
Grace Hopper

“It always seems impossible until it is done.”
Nelson Mandela

Robert A. McCormick, CFA, CAIA
Senior Executive Vice President & COO

(918) 744-0553