Real Estate Trends Amid Pandemic Recovery
Supply is high in Oklahoma, but buyers face market fears, inflation, and high mortgage rates.

The Home-Buying Boom
Suggestions on how to make the most of the booming real estate market.

Tax Day Delayed To July 15
As COVID-19 grips the nation, the IRS delayed the deadline to file and pay federal income taxes. Read more.

Our Response To COVID-19
Our offices are open and our services continue uninterrupted. Read more.

SECURE Act Significantly Impacts Your Retirement Planning
If you have an IRA heading into 2020, here's what you need to know about the new tax law and how it may impact your retirement and estate planning.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients Are Easy Prey For Scammers
Each day, Alzheimer's or dementia patients are at a high risk of being financially exploited. Learn how to spot it and how to prevent it.

“Drill, Baby, Drill”
The oil and gas market has been a rollercoaster. Oil barrels reached the $75 price range then dropped again. What does 2019 hold for the energy industry?

Smart Homes – Back to the Future
I can still remember turning the TV dial to watch "Back to the Future Part II" in the late 1980s and thinking to myself: "Finger scanning, talking to a remote control, flying cars, and hover boards would never exist in my lifetime."

Overcoming The Emotion of Family Properties
Family legacy properties are extremely emotional assets. The feelings triggered by the thought of parting with the family farm, lake cabin or beach house can become the cause of tension among family members.

Introducing TCO Title Services
Trust Company of Oklahoma is proud to introduce TCO Title Services, LLC.

The Real Deal?
Forget about the get rich quick schemes for a moment and read Scott’s level-headed advice about the pros and cons of owning real estate.

The Sunny Side of the Street
While most Oklahomans are hoping for a little rain, it’s a safe bet that no one wants it to start raining on the real estate market’s slow and steady recovery.