SPOTLIGHT — Positive Tomorrows

Positive Tomorrows is a central Oklahoma nonprofit focused on assisting homeless students, helping them through their many challenges.

Students who are homeless typically face three barriers to academic and social development: transportation, hunger, and basic needs. Positive Tomorrows helps its students meet each of these needs. They provide a bus to take students to school, regardless of location. The organization ensures each student has a nutritious and filling meal so they may focus on learning rather than where their next meal may come from. Positive Tomorrows also helps provide basic necessities, including clothing, shoes, and toiletries.

Positive Tomorrows also recognizes that breaking the cycle of poverty includes not just the students but also their families. Their programs assist families in finding shelter, food, and clothing. They then help those families learn life skills and find jobs, giving them stability and self-sufficiency to ensure their students can focus on their studies. They also provide transportation to and from school, a meal, and childcare for every school event, ensuring families with limited resources may attend school functions.

Positive Tomorrows has many opportunities for involvement. They welcome volunteers to serve as mentors, help in special programs, and more. They also welcome donated supplies and financial contributions, through either direct contributions or various fundraising events throughout the year.